Our Dogs


Tilly is our bernedoodle momma. She is an F1, her mom is a Bernese Mountain dog and her dad is a standard poodle. Tilly is about 67 pounds, she has an amazing thick wavy coat, and tri colored markings. Tilly is loyal, smart and super human focused. She always aims to please! She can be playful but is also just happy to lay at your feet. Tilly produces bernedoodle puppies that are beautiful with their gorgeous markings and also so well tempered. We love having her apart of our program and in our family!


Saylor is a medium goldendoodle. She has an amazing soft silky coat that is wavy and less maintenance than the more curly coats. Saylor is sweet, loves people and has yet to meet another dog she doesn’t love. She is the granddaughter of our foundation momma Macy, she reminds me so much of her. I am so happy to have Macy’s legacy live on thru our sweet girl Saylor.


Indy girl is our multigen mini goldendoodle.  She has a fun, spunky and affectionate personality. She weighs 26 pounds and is a great size for walks, traveling in the car and still fitting on our laps. Indy will have her first litter in 2025, but she has had lots of practice with our previous puppies playing with them and watching over them.


Dolly, or Doll Doll as I like to call her, is our chocolate mini cockapoo. She’s a petite little girl and weighs just under 20 pounds. Dolly loves her toys and treats them like her children, she is loyal, loves her people so much and loves affection. She is a perfect little companion!


Our standard goldendoodle momma Luna is a gorgeous black F1 generation. Her black coat is so soft and shiney with soft waves.  She is attentive, very loyal, smart and affectionate. Luna is a great momma and has produced gorgeous puppies including our chocolate goldendoodles.


Remi is our multigen medium goldendoodle. She is a Willow puppy, and another granddaughter of our Macy. Remi will be a future momma in 2026. She has a gorgeous party coat that is soft and wavy. Remi is outgoing and loves to adventure with her family.


Chevy is our first stud for our program. We are so excited for his future! He is from our Luna girl, and has her amazing temperament. He is fun loving, playful and also love to just lay around and relax. Chevy has a great stocky structure and amazing soft wavy fur. He lives his best life at home with his kids and also loves to help farm with his dad. We are looking forward to see his babies in 2025!

Chevy will be available for stud service to out side programs in spring of 2025.

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